COMMUNITY SATISFACTION & AGENCY SURVEYS WITH ANALYSIS NOW AVAILABLE as a non-profit service to law enforcement agencies

Choose from a variety of core surveys to further your strategic goals with a better understanding of your department and community. 


Survey topics include:

  • Safety and Wellness (sworn and non-sworn)
  • Impact of Technology
  • Perceptions of Department and Community (sworn and non-sworn)
  • Community Perceptions of the Department
  • Police-Community Interaction
All survey responses are confidential. Agency reports and Policing Dashboard reflect aggregate data.


A New, Flexible, and Responsive Approach to Data-Driven Law Enforcement

Community Survey: What initiatives would you like to see from your department?

Safety and wellness survey: indicate whether your agency has sufficient resources in the following

The Platform is now available for a small fee to law enforcement leaders and their agencies that are committed to data-driven, citizen-centered policing and organizational excellence. 

Feedback, Analysis and Trends

The new Platform has been re-designed to serve as an applied research tool. Our commitment and our mandate is to provide participating agencies with immediate and near real-time feedback from the organization, line officers and supervisors, and the community. We recognize that having a constant feed of data is necessary to enhance agency operations and strategies to improve public and officer safety, while also boosting the community's confidence and trust.


Once the data collection and analysis is underway, we provide you with benchmarking tools, to compare your agency's progress against that of your peer agencies and hundreds of others. You'll know where you stand in relation to similar agencies or those of a particular type, but we'll protect the anonymity of your agency's and others at all times. You're in the driver's seat when it comes to sharing agency-specific data.

Flexible & Collaborative

The new Platform is flexible, with multiple data collection tools and resources available to support your decision-making needs and to meet your agency and community where they are. Regardless of whether you need or prefer paper-based, web-based, SMS-based, system extraction or other data collection methods, we are ready to adapt and support. And we're ready to collaborate. If you have a data collection partner, strategy or tool in place and only want to supplement what you’re currently doing with Platform resources and tools, we can adapt.

Recent Publications


If you think your agency may be interested in participating as a Platform agency and you would like to learn more about participation, please click on the button to the right to let us know.